10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence

Dr. Debi Silber
4 min readSep 28, 2022

There will likely come a time when you feel confused, unsure, and lacking in self-confidence. It can happen with something big like if you’ve just been betrayed, rejected, lied to, or deceived in some way. It could happen with a less painful experience like something not going as planned, a mishap or mistake. It could happen at work, at home with family, or even when you’re with friends or neighbors. Luckily, you can send yourself some messages that will put you back on track.

Here are a few statements to say to yourself when your confidence is dropping:

  1. I’m allowed to feel however I feel. You’re a human being. Giving the thoughts and emotions enough time to be felt allows them to pass through you. Preventing yourself from feeling them, keeps them there, trying to get your attention. As renowned Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Jung said: “What you resist, persists.” So, give yourself the ok to allow the feelings to move through you.
  2. I can take some time to figure this out. You have a right to have some moments away from the confidence-reducing situation to think it through. Depending on the severity of the situation, more time than usual may be needed to feel grounded and safe again. For example, if you’re a runner and broke your leg, you’d allow it to heal before you started running again. If you insisted on running on that broken leg, you’d only delay your healing. Same thing here. If you feel emotionally “broken” by some event or experience, you need the time to regroup and heal.



Dr. Debi Silber

Dr. Debi Silber, founder of The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute https://pbtinstitute.com helps people heal from the trauma of betrayal.