Why Betrayal Happens and How to Help Someone Heal

Dr. Debi Silber
4 min readMar 15, 2023

Betrayal is a complex and devastating experience that leaves a lasting impact on anyone it touches. It can be defined as a breach of trust, where someone violates the confidence and expectations of another person. Betrayal can occur in many different forms, including lying, cheating, breaking promises, and disclosing confidential information. Despite the wide range of situations in which betrayal can occur, it’s a universal experience that has affected people throughout history. Here are common reasons why betrayal happens. Then, if you’re the betrayer, we’ll explore what to do to help the ones you hurt. None of these reasons excuse the behavior, but awareness always helps us understand. For the betrayed it’s important to see at the very least…that it had nothing to do with you.

First, a few common reasons why people betray another person:

  1. Selfish motives: One of the most common reasons for betrayal is self-interest. People may betray others to gain power, money, or attention. They may also betray others to avoid consequences or protect themselves from harm. In these cases, the betrayer places their own needs above the well-being of others.
  2. Lack of empathy: People who are unable to understand or care about the feelings of others may be more likely to betray others. They may be indifferent to the consequences of their actions, or they may believe that their actions are justified.
  3. Insecurity and low self-esteem: Some people may betray others as a…



Dr. Debi Silber

Dr. Debi Silber, founder of The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute https://pbtinstitute.com helps people heal from the trauma of betrayal.